Monday, September 27, 2010

Livestock Board to Release Standards

Livestock board to approve standards in October

September 26, 2010
by Marc Kovac
Capital Bureau Chief

Columbus -- A statewide board created by voters last year to establish rules for livestock care hopes to sign off on its first standards in the next month.

The Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board is reviewing rules on animal euthanasia, with plans to sign off on a final draft during one of the two scheduled sessions in October.

"The board is meeting on Oct. 5 and again on Oct. 19, hopefully the board will finalize its deliberations at one of those two meetings," said Michael D. Bailey, the board's executive director.

Bailey joined board members Sept. 21 during a listening session at the Farm Science Review, a large-scale agricultural research and trade show conducted annually about 20 minutes west of Columbus.   Read More

This board is certainly being watched very closely, especially now that their independence to make sound decisions was basically taken from them by the deal made in Ohio with the HSUS. Science was thrown out the window in that deal and now the livestock of the state will pay the ultimate price. All of us should be interested in making the best decisions for our livestock, not political ones.

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