Thursday, October 29, 2009

Animal Ag Day

Animal Ag Day
by Jacqueline Hough
The Daily Herald Staff Writer
North Carolina

SEABOARD — About 240 Northampton County fourth graders had a chance Tuesday to see where their food originates.

It happened during the Northampton County Cooperative Extension Animal Agriculture Day where students made their way around 10 stations on the grounds of the Seaboard Lions Club. Stations included bees, goats, pigs, beef, 4-H, forestry, soybeans, agriculture and others.

Jean Sigmon said, “It is to educate youth of Northampton County where products come from and to learn they don’t just come from Wal-Mart and Food Lion.”

Before the event, students are given a pre-test at their schools to test their knowledge and after the event, given a post-test. “Last year, we had a 22 percent increase from the pre-test to the post-test,” she said. Read More

Here’s a great example of the things we can and need to be doing to educate kids about farming and ranching. Too many times they are exposed to misconceptions about animal agriculture. The easiest way to disprove these is to show the kids exactly what we do. What are you doing in your area to educate about animal agriculture? If you don’t have a good answer, maybe this is something that you could do. Congratulations to the Northhampton County Extension Office and everyone else who made this day a success.

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